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You will find us

Visit us in strategically convenient and new premises. Here you will be able to view the selected car both indoors and test drive it on the street! You will find us in the NordSpace premises.

Vilnius, Lietuva

Mozuriškių g. 21 LT-06231, premises 19, 20

Frequently asked questions

If you have any doubts when choosing or buying a car, these questions are intended to help you quickly answer them.


How can I choose the right car?

Consider your needs and budget first. After that, you can consult with our specialists who will help you find the best choice.


Can you find a specific car if you don't have it in stock?

Yes, we specialize in taking orders and can help you find the car you want, even if we don't have it in stock.


How long does the order process take if I want a specific car?

The ordering process may vary depending on the type of car and the country where the car is located, but we will try to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible.


Can you help with car configuration questions?

Yes, our experts can offer you consultation and advice on car configuration based on your needs and preferences.


Can you order and deliver a car from abroad?

Yes, we have experience with international car ordering and delivery and can help you with all the necessary procedures when buying a car from abroad.


Can you help me sell my current car?

Yes, we offer services to help you sell your current car quickly and efficiently.


How does the process of selling a car through your company work?

Get started by contacting us and we'll guide you through all the necessary steps, including valuation, promotion and sales.


Are there any fees or commissions for selling a car?

We do charge commissions or fees depending on the car, but we try to be transparent and provide full pricing information upfront.


How long does the process of selling a car take?

The sales process may vary depending on many factors, including the condition of the car and market demand, but we will try to sell it as quickly and efficiently as possible.